Dear Environment and Sustainability Committee,


I support the campaign for a strong Well-being of Future Generations Bill. I would like to see the Bill strengthened by:


• Adding in targets to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases • Including a strong duty on public bodies to aim to achieve sustainable development in everything they do • Adding a clear definition of sustainable development • Properly considering the impact Wales has on people and the environment overseas • Boosting the powers of the Commissioner and making the role accountable to Assembly Members rather than Welsh Ministers


As a member of my Fairtrade Town group I would like to see Fairtrade in our schools, hospitals, councils and all WG funded offices. We can't be a true sustainable nation without recognising our impact on our farmers, producers and workers around the world. No routine use of chemicals, no child labour, no GM, a minimum price and community benefits are vital if we are to mitigate against climate change and support global sustainability. ESDGC is vital to ensure that our young people are "future-proofed" and without carbon targets, we cannot guarantee the wellbeing of our future generations.

No man is an island.


Please consider my views as you scrutinise the legislation over the coming weeks.


Yours sincerely


E Jones